4 Signs You Need Your Wisdom Teeth Pulled Out

No one would wish a toothache on their worst enemy. Not only is it painful, but it makes one of the most basic human acts – eating – a miserable experience. Beyond ordinary toothache, the pain associated with impacted wisdom teeth can reach another level, not to mention the risk of developing an infection. Many patients choose to have their wisdom teeth extracted in their teenage years or 20s, before the teeth have a chance to grow in and cause pain or damage to the mouth. If any of the following apply to you, schedule an appointment with your Ottawa dentist right away to discuss wisdom tooth extraction:

Your Mouth Cannot Fit Wisdom Teeth

Oftentimes, patients do not have enough room in their mouths to fit incoming wisdom teeth. If not extracted, wisdom teeth may not erupt properly, will grow in misaligned, or will shift other teeth out of the way to make room. With regular dental appointments and x-rays, your dentist will be able to identify whether your room has enough space for wisdom teeth and recommend extraction if there is a problem on the horizon.

You Feel Pain in Your Mouth

When one or more wisdom teeth are mid-eruption, you may experience serious pain and sensitivity. Bacteria and food particles may get trapped in the flap beneath your wisdom teeth, leading to an infection known as pericoronitis. Symptoms of wisdom tooth infection include pain, swelling, bad breath, and pus. More serious symptoms include swollen lymph nodes, muscle spasms in the jaw, and facial swelling. If you experience any signs of pericoronitis, schedule an appointment with your Ottawa dentist right away.

Your Wisdom Teeth are Misaligned

If your wisdom teeth are not coming out in the right (aligned) position, then their growth can cause damage to the other teeth in the same area. Getting these misaligned wisdom teeth extracted by your dentist will ensure that no other teeth get damaged. Additionally, wisdom teeth that grow in sideways can damage the gums, tongue, and cheek.

You Notice a Cyst

A cyst occurs when a sac of fluid next to the tooth becomes filled with fluid. A cyst can cause severe damage to tooth roots and bone and in very rare cases may even lead to a tumour. Visit your dentist right away to address the cyst and prevent further damage.

Dental problems can be extensive and complicated which is why you need to communicate and discuss all the possible options with your dentist at length before deciding what is the best approach according to deal with your wisdom teeth.


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