A Trip to the Dentist Shouldn’t Ruin Your Day!

What is it about going to the dentist that we all dread? From a young age, most of us view a visit to the dentist as one of the worst things that we have to do. We fight with our parents about going and we lay in bed at night awake the day before the appointment. Is there really that much to be concerned about? We all need to stop dreading the dentist.

There are a variety of health benefits that come with visiting the dentist. Did you know that having a healthy mouth helps promote overall health? With so many misconceptions out there regarding how terrible a trip to the dentist could be, it’s no surprise that most people look for reasons to avoid the dentist.

5 Worst Misconceptions About the Dentist

  1. Did you know that your dentist can’t just whiten your teeth to perfection with the snap of a finger? One of the most common things that people assume about the dentist is that they give you a special whitening paste to instantly make your teeth beautifully white again. However, this is not typically the case. While the dentist can do a process called bonding, which is a fairly simple process, the reality is that it could potentially take multiple procedures to get the whitening that you are looking for.
  1. Cavities are another thing that most people seem to be confused about. Many people think that cavities are caused by soft spots where the teeth rot out. It is also thought that eating a lot of sugar or chewing gum causes cavities. None of this information is accurate. While poor diet does contribute, cavities are actually caused when acid wears away at the enamel, thus causing a cavity. The cavity is then the hole in the tooth, not the tooth itself.
  1. Did you know that chewing gum isn’t actually bad for your teeth? Most of us tell our children that by chewing gum they will get cavities and their teeth will fall out. However, this isn’t exactly the truth. Some gum, specifically sugar-free gum, is actually very good for your teeth and helps to sweep away food particles that would otherwise get lodged in your teeth.
  1. Fluoride is not the enemy! Fluoride has gotten a bad rap in the media lately as some claim that it is linked to serious health problems such as heart conditions and allergies. However, this is only the truth if the fluoride is found in amounts that are extremely high, such as 10,000 glasses of water containing fluoride! The amount of fluoride found in your drinking water and toothpaste is completely safe and a very important part of a healthy dental hygiene regimen.
  1. Your teeth do actually get “longer” with age. This isn’t because they are growing, it’s because your gums are actually starting to pull away from the teeth. This isn’t usually a bad thing and is normal. It can cause the nerves to be exposed which can be painful during a cleaning but there is nothing to be worried about. Speak to your dentist if you have any questions about the status of your gums.

Stop dreading the dentist and make your appointment at Carlingwood Dental Centre today!

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