What Are the Most Common Reasons for Tooth Pain?

Are your teeth causing you discomfort? If so, you should know that tooth pain is really quite common. According to the Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS), 12% of Canadians report ongoing pain in their mouths within the past 12 months. Seeing a dentist will be the best way to get the cause of your specific tooth pain problem diagnosed and treated. However, there are a few reasons why this type of pain surfaces and we’re here to discuss these reasons today.

You may be able to link your pain to one of the reasons listed below. Once you’ve figured out why it’s likely happening, you’ll be ready to take action.

It’s best not to wait when tooth pain surfaces. In some cases, it won’t go away on its own and it will only get worse. There are exceptions. However, most people will greatly benefit from seeing dentists when discomfort arises. The sooner you see a dentist, the better!

Common Causes of Tooth Pain

Some people have sensitive teeth and certain drinks or foods may trigger discomfort. For example, if very cold drinks trigger unpleasant sensations, you may have sensitive teeth. Using a toothpaste which is formulated for sensitive teeth will help. Ask your dentist for recommendations. Good oral care is also important, so brush three times a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush and floss daily. Don’t overbrush, as this may contribute to gum loss or receding gums. Receding gums may make tooth sensitivity more pronounced.

Cavities are another common reason for tooth pain. There’s really no way to handle cavities on your own. You will need a dentist to assess the severity of a cavity or cavities and then create a treatment plan. Sometimes, a filling will be enough to take care of pain and save the tooth. In other cases, more extreme measures will be needed. If a tooth needs to be pulled due to its severe cavity, it will be possible to access a replacement tooth or crown via a dental implant procedure.

Lastly, infections in the teeth may trigger some pretty unpleasant sensations. Infections should be dealt with immediately, as you’ll be miserable if you don’t get the dental and/or medical care that you need. If you suspect an infection, do yourself a favour and see your dentist. This is an emergency and it needs to be handled by a dental professional with years of experience and skill at the ready.

Now that you know the most common causes of tooth pain, you’ll be ready to move forward and get the expert dental care that is needed.

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