How Dental Implants Can Improve Your Smile

If you have had the misfortune of losing even a single tooth it can be an endless source of embarrassment. You might try to hide your smile and feel very self-conscious even when speaking. You might even try using a temporary solution such as a partial denture but not appreciate the look and feel they provide. Dental implants can improve your smile even if you’re missing teeth that are not located at the front. Here's how:

Increased Confidence

Dental implants are a long-lasting tooth replacement solution. They involve the insertion of titanium posts directly into your jaw bone offering you the same fit and feel of your natural teeth. You will feel confident knowing that the dental implants will not shift, fall out or move when you smile, speak or eat.

No Shifting

Even if you’re missing teeth that are not located at the front implants can still help your smile. Many people do not realize that even a single missing tooth leaves a gap that can allow remaining teeth to shift. This possibility can actually lead to a shifting of your front teeth as well which can leave your smile imperfect. Implants will fill the gaps ensuring your smile remains perfect.

Low Maintenance

You can elect to try a number of other tooth replacement options including bridges and partial dentures. However, these other options will need to be replaced eventually. Bridges can actually wear away at your teeth and in some cases will even require the reshaping of perfectly healthy teeth that can lead to issues down the road. Partial dentures can easily break and require more maintenance. Dental implants require the same care as your natural teeth and will improve your smile greatly.


Due to the fact implants are so natural they are the most comfortable option. This means you will be more apt to smile naturally without the need to feel self-conscious. As well they will not cause any pain or discomfort which means you will also smile more often.

Prevent Bone Loss and Restore Face Shape

Having gaps in your smile can actually begin to impact bone density and cause the jawbone to shrink and deteriorate. This can eventually impact your ability to speak and chew food. If you’re missing a tooth, it’s important to visit your dentist as soon as possible to have it dealt with and replaced. Ignoring the issue can escalate the loss of bone density and make the surrounding teeth more brittle over time. This can end up impacting the entire structure and shape of your face too. The longer you wait, the more at risk you are for experience severe bone loss, and the harder it becomes to repair it. 

Dental implants are an excellent solution for this because they get fused to the jawbone which makes them stable and a very effective long-term solution. As the implants replace the roots of your natural teeth, they stimulate the surrounding area and help to prevent any further bone loss while enhancing the strength of the jawbone. 

Greater Stability

Unlike dentures that are put in place using metal clasps that can become loose, dental implants are attached right to the jawbone. This provides enhanced stability that secures them without the risk of them loosening or falling out. As a result, patients gain greater confidence in their smile and can enjoy eating all of the foods they like, such as apples, without worrying about whether it will impact their teeth or cause their implants to fall out.

Maintain Better Overall Health

Your mouth plays a major role in your overall health. When there are problems with your teeth and gums, like a gap in your smile, this can increase the risk of bacteria since food can easily get stuck in between crevices in your mouth. This can make you more vulnerable to infection and other health problems, including cardiovascular disease. Taking good care of your mouth by having dental implants installed, can help to protect you from harmful bacteria and lower your risk for developing other infections and diseases.  

Improve Your Ability to Chew

With a full set of teeth that are healthy, stable and secure, patients can improve their ability to chew food. Even missing one tooth can make it more challenging to properly chew and enjoy certain things. But you can enjoy a healthy diet without feeling limited by your smile with dental implants.

Dental implants are the perfect option if you want a long-lasting solution for your tooth replacement that will offer the most natural look and feel. With implants, you will have the confidence you require, feel comfortable with your new teeth and continue to enjoy good oral and dental health. In the end, you will enjoy a healthy, improved smile.


Book an appointment today or contact us at Carlingwood Dental Centre to get dental implants in Ottawa.

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