How to Treat Sensitive Teeth at Home and at the Dental Clinic

Do you feel discomfort in your teeth when eating your favourite cold dessert or hot soup? You might suffer from dentin hypersensitivity. Dentin is the layer beneath your tooth enamel that protects the nerve. Your tooth’s dentin can become exposed when the enamel protecting it wears down. Depending on your level of sensitivity, when this dentin comes into contact with hot or cold foods, you might feel slight discomfort or intense pain. Thankfully, there are ways to minimize or treat dentin hypersensitivity. Here are a few tips to get you started:

Visit Your Dentist

Contact your dentist’s office and tell them you are suffering from dentin hypersensitivity. They can evaluate your teeth and identify which areas need to be strengthened. Your dentist can reinforce your enamel and dentin using a fluoride varnish to the sensitive areas. They can also apply fluoride gel using a mouth tray. You bite down on the train for around five minutes. The last step is to apply a bonding agent to the surface of your sensitive teeth. This acts as a shield against the types of food that are causing you pain.

Avoid Certain Foods

It’s important to make note of which foods are causing you discomfort, and at which temperature. Do you feel pain when drinking your morning coffee or sipping on soup? Are you sensitive to ice cream or cold colas? Avoid the foods causing you pain to make your life easier until it’s time for your dental appointment to get your enamel strengthened.

Brush Properly

If you have sensitive teeth, it’s important to use a toothbrush with soft bristles. You are less likely to brush thoroughly if you are causing yourself pain with hard bristles. Brush with short back and forth strokes or small circular motions and do not brush aggressively. Take your time and lightly go over all your teeth for around three minutes.

Pick the Right Toothpaste

You want to avoid low-abrasive toothpastes and find one that is high in fluoride. Fluoride is the mineral that strengthens enamel in your tooth and reduces decay. Ask your dentist what they recommend for dentin hypersensitivity. They will often give you samples of products right at the office.

You should be able to enjoy the foods you love without dealing with the pain caused by sensitive teeth. Follow these steps and you will be well on your way to pain-free dining! For more information, give us a call at Carlingwood Dental Centre.

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