Dealing with a Dental Emergency

Understanding how to deal with a dental emergency can increase the chances of saving your tooth. Your Ottawa emergency dentist offers this helpful advice in case of a dental emergency:


When you feel pain in your tooth it can be caused by a number of issues. Rinse your mouth with warm water and salt to help fight infection. For pain, place a cold compress on your cheek. If you see signs of puss or a sore it could be an abscess. Contact your Ottawa emergency dentist right away so they can assess the tooth and provide the proper treatment.

Damaged Tooth

Damage to your teeth such as a break, chip or crack should receive immediate attention from your emergency dentist in Ottawa. Even if it doesn't hurt, the damage can lead to further issues. If you can, save any pieces of the tooth that might have broken away. If you are experiencing bleeding apply gauze for about ten minutes. You can alleviate pain by applying a cold compress to your face at the location of the break or chip and proceed to your dental emergency clinic.

Partial Dislodge

If your tooth is dislodged but has not completely been knocked out try to gently ease it back into place. Call your dentist and make an emergency appointment right away. Cold compresses and pain killers will help keep you comfortable en route.

Damaged Restorations

Whether you lose a filling or a crown falls off, it is important to visit your dentist right away. Bring your crown along with you and in the case of pain due to a lost filling fill the hole with sugarless gum to reduce sensitivity.

Severely Bitten or Cut Lip or Tongue

Like all of our organs, the mouth is delicate and any injury or trauma that occurs can be potentially serious. Even a cut or severely bitten lip or tongue can be considered a dental emergency, whether it’s bleeding or not. If you have cut or bitten any part of your mouth severely, be sure to clean and compress the wound to stop the bleeding. If it does not stop, this could indicate that stitches are needed, so you should go to your local emergency room. Even if it’s not bleeding, it could still be a cause for concern and should be seen immediately by a professional.

Knocked-Out Tooth

If you or a family member just had a tooth knocked out due to a contact sport or something else, we’re here to help. This is a common dental emergency that we treat in Ottawa, and we can help you or your family member too. When a tooth is broken or gets ejected completely, it is imperative to contact us right away. The sooner we can tend to it, the greater the chance is that we can save the tooth without having to resort to a cosmetic replacement. Make sure to place the tooth in a cup with milk while waiting to get it repaired and avoid touching it as much as possible. There’s typically a 30-minute window of opportunity for the tooth to be placed back. So makes sure to call us as soon as it happens.

Fillings or Temporary Crowns Have Fallen Out

When a filling or crown falls out, it can be unnerving, especially if you have to go to work or be out in public. If this happens to you, give our dental office a call for immediate service. Our team will walk you through what to do in the meantime to preserve the crown. We’ll arrange an appointment as soon as possible to reattach the crown or filling or provide a new one to repair your smile.

Possible Oral Abscess or Infection

Bacterial infections can be common in the mouth, and if you have any gaps or missing teeth, this can increase your chances of getting an oral abscess. An abscess is a pocket of pus that forms due to bacteria. This can make the surrounding area very sore, sensitive and red. If you are experiencing severe pain, or have difficulty chewing or swallowing, contact our clinic for emergency service. 

Contacting your Ottawa emergency dentist at the first sign of trouble will increase your chances of saving your tooth.

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