Having a tooth pulled requires essential aftercare to ensure that the socket heals without any complications. To know what is needed following an extraction, you should first listen to your dentist’s recommendations and then take the proper steps to support the healing process. To prepare for rehabilitation, here are the necessary actions you should take following an extraction.
Addressing Bleeding
After an extraction, there will be some bleeding that will occur. You can control the level of blood loss by biting down on a piece of gauze over the tooth socket. It’s best to bite firmly and keep pressure for at least 45 minutes. If the bleeding continues to persist after an hour, you can try using a damp tea bag to help form a blood clot. In time, the bleeding should start to decrease, but if the blood loss persists and is worrying, you should immediately notify your dentist.
Preserving The Blood Clot
The blood clot that forms is an important part of the healing process. And to avoid delaying your recovery, you should do everything possible to avoid disrupting the tooth socket. For the first 24 hours, you should avoid poking the area with your finger or touching it with your tongue. You should also avoid consuming any hot items, using a straw, smoking, and rinsing the area.
Getting The Rest You Need
It’s important to get rest after your surgery. When you’re lying down, you should prop your head up so that it’s higher than your heart to reduce bleeding. You should also avoid any exercise or physical activities during this time.
Minimizing Swelling
After surgery, it’s normal for some swelling to occur. You can help relieve any inflammation by applying ice packs to the outside of your face.
Controlling Pain
There will likely be some discomfort following an extraction. To control the pain, you should use only what your doctor recommends.
Maintaining Proper Nutrition
It’s important for you to maintain proper nutrition after you have an extraction. Getting the right amount of nutrients and vitamins is a crucial part of the healing process. To keep up your strength, ensure you eat three meals, preferably sticking to room temperature food that's soft. Drink plenty of water.
At Carlingwood Dental, we ensure that you’re provided with everything you need to care for yourself properly following an extraction. Schedule an appointment today to learn more about our clinic and services.