5 Common Causes of Tooth Pain

For those who have experienced tooth pain, you know just how debilitating even the smallest sensation can be. That pain can radiate through your entire body and stop you dead in your tracks.  Whether it was the bite of an apple, the lick of an ice cream cone, or something that seemed to stem out of nowhere, here are five of the most common causes that could be the culprit of your tooth pain.

Pulp Inflammation

Pulp inflammation occurs relatively frequently, though not many patients have heard of it. This condition occurs when the central part of the tooth known as the pulp becomes inflamed and swollen. Pressure within the tooth spreads along the tissue and can cause mild or extreme pain, depending on other factors.


If you have a tendency to consume a significant amount of sugary foods and you’ve developed a tooth ache you just can’t seem to get rid of, chances are you could have a cavity. Certain foods that are high in starch and sugar can corrode and wear away the enamel of teeth, resulting in holes. If these holes aren’t dealt with and filled in by your dentist, they can worsen over time and expose the nerve endings causing more severe pain. So if you notice a consistent tooth ache that won’t desist, see your dentist immediately.

Common Sensitivities

For some people, sensitivity to certain foods is the simple culprit. If your tooth pain is provoked after consuming hot and cold food and beverages, sensitivity is most likely the culprit. The best way to alleviate this is by using toothpaste that’s specified for sensitive teeth. And if possible, try to avoid those beverages and foods that instigate the pain.

Dental Abscess

When bacteria accumulates from improper oral hygiene, it can penetrate through and infect the central pulp of the tooth. As this progresses, the infection spreads to the roots of the tooth, leading to inflammation and pain. This is something that should always be dealt with immediately by your dentist.

Gum Disease

Smoking and improper oral hygiene are also significant culprits for causing gum disease. Diseases, such as periodontitis and gingivitis can cause gum deterioration and eventually result in exposed roots.

If you or a loved one is experiencing tooth pain on a consistent basis, chances are it could be one of these common causes. Whether mild or severe, always have any problems assessed by your dentist in order to avoid any potentially serious repercussions in the future.

Concerned about tooth pain? Schedule your next appointment with your Ottawa dentist now!

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