5 Things You Should Know About Dental Implants

Dental implants are one of the most popular and effective treatments today to replace damaged or missing teeth. But they are not always the right solution for everyone. If you’re trying to decide between a bridge, dentures or implants to fill the gap, here’s what you should know about dental implants before making a decision.

They Look Just Like Real Teeth

Dental porcelain closely matches the look and translucent properties found in your natural tooth enamel. To get the right shade as the rest of your teeth, your dentist will analyze your tooth colour using shade guides and photography to find the perfect match. The result - you won’t be able to tell them apart from your natural teeth and neither will anyone else.

Dental Implants Are as Strong as Natural Teeth

The root of the implant is made of titanium alloy which is incredibly strong. Once they are implanted into the jawbone, the bone begins to fuse around the titanium implant so that it actually becomes part of the bone structure. This creates a very strong bond that resembles the tooth root that was lost at the site.

They Are Easy to Take Care Of

Unlike your natural teeth, dental implants are made of materials that are not susceptible to cavities or decay. All that is required is the normal brushing of the implants and flossing to keep your gums healthy.

Dental Implants Have Many Health Benefits

Without a tooth root, the jawbone can change shape and result in your mouth looking sunken in and concave. Dental implants replace the root of your tooth and guard against further bone loss and deterioration after a tooth is lost. Implants can also restore a person’s ability to bite and chew which is necessary to maintain a healthy diet and ward off disease.

They Are Not Expensive

Don’t let the initial cost fool you. Dental implants are less expensive in the long run. With proper care, dental implants don’t require any further treatment than regular upkeep. Dentures and bridges, on the other hand, usually require more attention and may need to be replaced over time. You’ll save more money by choosing dental implants than you will with other treatments.

You can use dental implants to replace a single tooth, multiple teeth or a full set. Contact us today at Carlingwood Dental to schedule an appointment to discuss any of your questions about dental implants.

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