Category Archives: Dental Tips

Choosing the Right Toothbrush

When you walk into the dental care aisle at your local drug store, you will be inundated with row after row of toothbrush options. You probably know well enough that choosing between the Batman or Spiderman design won’t affect the quality of brushing, but what about all the other aspects? Here’s a guide on how…
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Transform Your Smile

Did you know that people who are self-conscious about their teeth worry their smile could affect their ability to find a new partner or job? Cosmetic dentistry can provide a huge boost to self-confidence and help you lead a happier life. Here are some common dental problems that can be solved thanks to cosmetic dentistry:…
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Achieving a Beautiful Smile

Improve Nutrition Though regular, daily brushing, and flossing are essential for maintaining a healthy smile, did you know that your diet also plays a major role in your oral health too? If you tend to eat lots of processed foods, starches, sugar, and acidic items, then your teeth and gums will suffer. This combination can…
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