Category Archives: Ottawa

5 Reasons To Visit Your Dentist Every Six Months

There is a lot in a smile. It conveys how we feel, our sincerity, our health, and our general upkeep. Along with serving a range of useful functions, our teeth can provide us a host of benefits when healthy and in good shape. The trouble is that a surprising number of people in Ottawa do…
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Addressing Toothache Pain

A toothache is a catchall term that describes pain in the teeth or jaw. It may only be a mild and dull pain that affects one side of the mouth. It could be a sharp but temporary jolt of pain that hits you when you drink something cold, or a deep throbbing pain that radiates…
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Why You Should Choose Invisalign

Not everyone is born with great-looking teeth. Thanks to modern dentistry, within a short period of time you can realign your teeth and start smiling with confidence.  If you need teeth realignment, here’s what you should know about Invisalign: What is Invisalign? Invisalign braces are the modern alternative to traditional metal braces. Your dentist will…
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