Here’s How Your Nail Biting Habit Affects Your Teeth

Nail biting is a bad habit that can cause a whole number of issues. And although it’s mostly done subconsciously which makes it hard to stop, it’s important to try to nip the habit in the bud to prevent health issues from developing - especially tooth damage. Chomping on your fingernails can lead to chipped teeth, misaligned teeth, joint pain and a number of other problems. To learn more about why it’s important to quit biting your teeth, here’s how your nail biting habit affects your teeth and what you can do to stop.

Transfer of Bacteria

When you bite your nails you easily transfer bacteria from your hands into your mouth. This can lead to infections in your mouth and through the rest of your body.

Shifting and Gaps

Nail biting can also cause your teeth to shift out of their normal position. In some cases, nail biting can cause a gap between the teeth. Putting pressure on your teeth and roots can lead to crooked teeth that may need to be straightened.

Permanent Wear

Chewing on your nails can take a real toll on your teeth. The friction of biting your teeth can wear down your enamel and tooth structure over time. This can result in injury and can even cause the roots of your teeth to become weaker, resulting in dissolved bone and lost teeth.

Chipped Teeth

When you bite down on your teeth you are putting force on one spot of your tooth over and over again. This can eventually result in a tooth fracture or chipped tooth that is expensive to fix.

Jaw Issues

In extreme cases, nail biting can also cause jaw issues like TMJ. This can lead to pain in the joints and muscles that affect your ability to chew and even speak.


Those who bite their nails are more susceptible to bruxism – grinding of the teeth. And if not treated, bruxism can result in increased sensitivity, enamel wear, chronic headaches and jaw problems.

Quitting nail biting can be challenging, but it’s certainly not impossible. It has to be both a conscious decision and guided one. If you’re a nail biter, it’s important to talk to your dentist at Carlingwood Dental about your habit the next time you visit. They will help provide you with strategies and advice for quitting to help protect your teeth now and into the future.

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