What Does Family Dentistry Mean?

Looking for a new dentist? Wondering what the difference is between a specialist and a family dentist? A family dentist is typically the main clinic that you’ll visit for regular cleanings and checkup ups, similar to your family doctor. But their repertoire of treatments can vary depending on the clinic. Here is a brief overview of what family dentistry means when you’re at Carlingwood Dental

Focus On Preventative Dentistry and Oral Hygiene

A family dentist is your go-to resource for providing preventative dental care, including oral cleanings to maintain good dental hygiene, as well as correcting any minor issues with your teeth. In some clinics, this can include cosmetic treatments, orthodontics and oral surgery too. Your family dentist will perform examinations and X-rays if needed to look out for any potential problems and signs of infection or decay. If they do notice something while examining your mouth, they may refer you to a specialist if they are not equipped to perform the procedure in their clinic.

Here are the most common treatments that are carried out by family dentists:

Dental Cleanings and Routine Exams

Your family dentist will perform oral cleanings every six months to remove the build-up of plaque and to perform examinations to screen for oral cancer and infections.

Checking for Cavities

Part of the process will involve checking for tooth decay and cavities. If they notice any pits or fissures developing, they may apply dental sealants, fluoride and other treatments to keep the teeth healthy, strong and cavity-free.


Certain family dental clinics can also offer restorative dentistry treatments all under one roof. This can include root canal therapy, dental implants, and even dentures in some cases.

Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic procedures can also fall under the umbrella of family dentistry. This can make it incredibly convenient when you need something corrected or improved with your smile and can get it done in one place. Cosmetic treatments can include cosmetic bonding, veneers to cap existing teeth, crown and bridge treatments, and teeth whitening.

If you’re looking for a family dental centre in Ottawa, contact Carlingwood Dental today to schedule an appointment or to learn more about our clinic and treatments.

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