3 New Things in Your Dentist’s Office to Know About

The dental industry is always evolving and changing. And here at Carlingwood Dental, we continuously strive to keep our clinic up-to-date and inviting. We take all the necessary steps to put our patients’ comfort and safety first, which is why we regularly update our equipment and tools to improve your experience. If you want to learn more about the new things in your dentist’s office that are worth knowing about, here is a run-down of our latest additions.


Digital Radiographs

One of the newest X-ray machines on the market is the digital radiograph. Instead of using standard X-ray film, a flat electronic sensor or pad is used to take an image and produce the result on a screen. This technology has better viewing capabilities than traditional X-rays, allowing the dentists to view areas that they were not able to see clearly before. And as you can imagine, these types of X-rays save more time as they can be emailed to specialists or even taken at different times and compared. Best of all, digital X-rays use half the radiation of conventional ones and don’t require putting any separators in your mouth.


CT Scan Technology

Computer tomography has revolutionized dentistry. These state-of-the-art machines can provide three-dimensional images of your jaw and other hard-to-see structures. 3D cone beam CT scans (CBCT) can even provide more information than conventional X-rays because they can image the bone and soft tissue at the same time. This can help dentists determine the exact location and size of tumours, the density and condition of the jaw bone, and the condition of the nasal cavity, sinuses, and nerve canals. Dentists love using CT scans because they are extremely accurate, require no overlapping of images, can obtain views from various angles, with quick production time. Plus, they can be used in combination with computer-assisted treatment planning to generate surgical plans and assist with dental implant placement. 


Dental Software

Today’s newest software is allowing dentists to offer more efficient services to their patients. Some of the programs out there allow for patient charting, document management, real-time patient communication via two-way text messaging, appointment confirmation, reminders, alerts, digital forms and online appointments. Some software also features a patient portal that allows patients to register themselves, request appointments, sign consent forms and make all their payments online. How’s that for convenience? The latest software also provides dental practice management solutions to the dentist and their team. This can include imaging uploads, X-ray storage, integrated charting, patient and employee scheduling, and billing management. Most systems now are cloud-based and can be easily shared with other offices and specialists.

Dentistry has always been forward facing when it comes to technology, but not all clinics are up-to-date. At Carlingwood Dental, we ensure that our clinic is at the forefront of dental technology. We regularly update our equipment and install all of the latest and greatest machines, tools, and software to provide our clients with the best treatment and experience. Contact us today to find out about all our newest technology and what we can offer your family.

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