5 Foods that Lead to Great Oral Health

The health of your teeth and gums is more important than you may realize. The foods and beverages that pass through your mouth impact not only your oral health but the health of your entire body. If your diet largely consists of processed, sugar-filled foods, you could be more susceptible to decay and disease. By improving your diet and adding more wholesome foods like fruits and veggies into your meals, you can stave off cavities and disease and keep your oral health in better shape. To get you started, here are some foods that can help you achieve great oral health.

Leafy Greens

Foods that are rich in calcium benefit our teeth by strengthening the enamel. And leafy green veggies are packed full of calcium as well as folic acid and vitamins and minerals which are all essential for optimal health of teeth and gums. Try adding some spinach, kale or lettuce into your meals to give your mouth something it will love.

Crunchy Vegetables

Chewing crunchy vegetables is also an excellent way to boost your oral health because they help to clean the surfaces of teeth while you chew. Crunchy vegetables like carrots, celery and broccoli are good foods to eat because they also activate saliva production and help scrub away bacteria and food particles. They’re also loaded with essential minerals and vitamins like vitamin C and keratin which help keep teeth and gums strong.


Fibrous fruits like apples help keep the mouth free from bacteria, neutralizing citric and malic acids that can linger in the mouth and cause bad breath, decay and more. Pears are a good choice too as they stimulate saliva and help flush out food particles.


Nuts are a good source of calcium and phosphorus, two essential components of a healthy smile. And there’s such a wide variety that you can choose from. Brazil nuts and cashews are among the most beneficial with their nutrient-dense makeup.

Fatty Fish

Fatty fish like salmon contains a good dose of phosphorus which helps the body absorb calcium and vitamin D. Without this essential mineral, our teeth can become brittle and weak.

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