6 Reasons You May Need a Nightguard

Do you have a tendency to snore or grind your teeth at night? If so, a nightguard can help. These can help resolve many common issues that can be irritating and painful. To learn if you could benefit from one, here are a number of reasons why you may need a nightguard.

To Stop Snoring

If you snore while you sleep, a nightguard could benefit you. Snoring usually occurs when air struggles to get through the windpipes due to the positioning of the teeth and jaw. Thankfully, a nightguard can help to alleviate this by adjusting the alignment of the jaw and teeth so the air can pass through freely without being obstructed or causing noise.

Improve Sleep

When airflow is obstructed, it can impact your ability to get a good night’s sleep. By simply adjusting and improving this, you won’t be disrupted and can finally enjoy a restful sleep which is important for maintaining and improving your overall health.

Prevent Grinding and Jaw Pain

Grinding and clenching your teeth while sleeping is extremely common. This is often a result of stress and can be a relatively tricky habit to quit. But a nightguard can help with this too. Your dentist can create a customized guard that will fit right over the top of your teeth to act as a buffer. This will prevent you from wearing down the enamel of your teeth and will remove the excess pressure that can lead to pain in the jaw

Minimize Headaches Cause by Tension

Tension headaches are frequently caused by grinding and clenching the teeth. When there’s consistent pressure placed on your teeth and jaw, this overworks the surrounding muscles and causes them to tense up which leads to headaches. A guard will eliminate that pressure and prevent the associated headaches. 

Prevent Damage

Grinding every night can eventually lead to cracked teeth, intense toothaches, root canals, a locked jaw and other problems. Wearing a nightguard is a simple solution that can help you avoid preventable damage to your teeth.

Save Time and Money

The fewer treatments you need, the more money you can save. You won’t need to take time off from work either to accommodate dental appointments to repair any issues.

If you’ve been considering a nightguard but feel unsure about it, give us a call today at Carlingwood Dental. We can set up an appointment, discuss your concerns and determine if it’s the right solution for you.

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