Are Veneers Right for Me?

Veneers are one of the most common cosmetic dental treatments used in the industry today. And only a dentist will be able to determine whether you’re a suitable candidate for them. Veneers can help solve a number of different issues, but not everything.  To learn more about what they’re suitable for and how to know if veneers are right for you, read on.

What Are Veneers?

First off, you may be wondering what exactly are veneers? These are porcelain shells that are applied directly over the front of the teeth. This cosmetic procedure can be used to improve many imperfections, from minor chips and cracks to missing gaps and crooked alignment of teeth. They are durable and offer a fast and effective treatment for improving the look of teeth.

How Do I Know If They’re Right for Me?

You Have Severely Discoloured Teeth

Superficial stains and discolouring on teeth can sometimes be eliminated by standard teeth whitening treatments. But when the discolouring becomes embedded deeper in layers of the enamel, these treatments can be ineffective and won’t respond to the bleaching agents. That’s where veneers can help. Veneers are a viable option for those who have severe stains since they can completely cover up the enamel, making your smile appear brighter and whiter instantly.

You Have Chipped or Cracked Teeth

Minor imperfections like cracks or chips can also be treated with veneers. Like with many aesthetic imperfections, veneers are ideal because they can literally cover up those flaws while protecting your teeth. Crowded or broken teeth can also be resolved with durable veneers. Other procedures may be recommended in addition to veneers based on your individual circumstances. 

You Have Teeth That Are Underdeveloped

If you’ve been diagnosed with microdontia, you may be frustrated with having gaps and teeth that look underdeveloped. Porcelain veneers can help makeover your entire smile, giving you more mature and proportional-looking teeth that can make you feel good about smiling.

Your Oral Health Is In Good Shape

Patients who have underlying oral health conditions may not be ideal candidates for veneers. Since veneers essentially get placed overtop of the original teeth, any cavities, gum disease or other issues could pose a risk if they are simply covered up by the veneer without being resolved prior to the treatment. That’s why it’s imperative for patients to have healthy teeth and gums in order to have veneers.

If you feel like veneers could be a viable option for you, book an appointment with us at Carlingwood Dental for a consultation with our team.

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