Category Archives: Family Dental Care

What Does Family Dentistry Mean?

Looking for a new dentist? Wondering what the difference is between a specialist and a family dentist? A family dentist is typically the main clinic that you’ll visit for regular cleanings and checkup ups, similar to your family doctor. But their repertoire of treatments can vary depending on the clinic. Here is a brief overview…
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How Much Does Invisalign Cost in Ottawa?

Looking for a better way to straighten your teeth other than braces? Invisalign is a modern, cosmetic dental treatment that can realign your teeth, without all the aggravation that comes with traditional metal braces. To learn more about the benefits of this popular cosmetic treatment and how much Invisalign costs in Ottawa, read on. The…
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Your Child’s First Cavity

Not every parent is prepared to hear their dentist tell them that their child has a cavity. It often comes as a surprise, especially if you have been watching them brush and floss diligently every day. Cavities can be caused by a variety of factors, such as sugar-heavy diets and even hereditary aspects, like having…
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Preparing Your Child for Their First Dentist Appointment

If you’re thinking about your child’s first dentist appointment, we know it can sometimes feel a little daunting. It can be a stressful process for both parents and children. To help ease your worries and any tears during that initial visit, here are some tips to consider when preparing your child for their first dental…
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