How to Keep Teeth Healthy During Halloween

Candy is all part of the fun and excitement of Halloween. But with so many buckets and bags of candy left to devour, it can be a scary time for your teeth! To enjoy this Halloween while avoiding cavities and a trip to the dentist, here are some tips to remember for both kids and adults on how to keep your teeth healthy during Halloween.


When there’s a big bag or bucket of candy left on the table, it’s in our human nature to succumb to temptation and devour most of it in one sitting. To avoid eating all the candy in one night, practice moderation by only taking out a few pieces and putting the rest away out of sight. This will let you and the kids enjoy a little bit each day in moderation instead of gorging on a huge amount of sugar at once.

Drink Water

All of the sticky, chewy, sugary ingredients in candy can damage teeth and encourage bacteria to grow since it feeds off of sugar. To reduce bacteria and the chance of cavities forming, drink more water during and after eating candy. This will help to flush out lingering particles in the mouth and reduce bacteria and plaque.

Avoid the Really Sticky, Chewy Ones

If you can, try to avoid eating those really sticky and chewy candies, like taffy and gummy bears. These are the worst culprits since they can easily get lodged in between teeth for extended periods of time, which can increase the risk of tooth decay.

Avoid Sour Stuff

In addition to the sticky and chewing stuff, sour candies are also among the worst contenders for your teeth. So try to avoid these too.

Brush and Floss Properly

Of course, brushing should be done every day, twice a day. But it’s especially important to be extra vigilant around Halloween. To keep healthy during Halloween, make sure to brush twice per day for 2 minutes to adequately clean teeth. And don’t forget to floss to get rid of any stuck-on bits of candy. We recommend brushing teeth soon after consuming candy to reduce harmful bacteria.

If you or your kids could use a cleaning after Halloween or have a suspect cavity, give us a call at Carlingwood Dental. We’ll take care of your teeth and give them a thorough cleaning to eliminate plaque and keep them nice and healthy. 

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