Keep Your Teeth Strong with These Foods and Care Tips

Dental health is about more than visiting the dentist and brushing your teeth regularly. The foods you eat have a big impact, providing your teeth with the nutrients needed to stay strong against plaque, tartar buildup, and tooth decay. With a diet rich in these five foods, you can keep your teeth strong.

Today, let’s explore some of the best options, plus a few extra care tips to help you along the road towards optimal oral health! 


Milk contains calcium, so drink plenty of it to keep your jaw bone strong. Calcium also helps to protect your mouth against gum disease. Women should be especially mindful of getting enough calcium in their diet, and nothing refreshes quite like a cold glass of skim milk. A single glass of milk contains over 300 milligrams of calcium, which is about a third of your daily requirement. If you are dairy-free or lactose intolerant, you can always drink calcium-fortified soy or almond milk.


Salmon is a great source of vitamin D. Vitamin D is a very important companion to calcium, at it helps your body absorb and make use of the dental-friendly nutrient. Vitamin D helps maximize the benefits of calcium in your system. Adults need about 600 IU of vitamin D every day, and a portion of salmon can fulfill this requirement.


Citrus fruits like oranges are high in vitamin C. Vitamin C has many important uses when it comes to dental health. For one, it helps to strengthen blood vessels and the connective tissue that roots your teeth to your jaw. Vitamin C also helps to reduce inflammation and slow the progress of gingivitis. However, be aware that the juice of citrus fruits like grapefruit and lemon are highly acidic and can cause enamel erosion, so consume these in moderation.


Strawberries are also full of vitamin C. In addition to the benefits mentioned above, vitamin C is involved in collagen production. Collagen is a protein that keeps your gums strong and healthy, which is very important for overall dental health. A cup of sliced strawberries provides enough vitamin C to meet your daily requirements.


Water is essential for your overall health. It contributes to saliva production and washes away food particles, so they don’t have a chance to cling to your teeth. Saliva is made almost entirely out of water, and defends your mouth against tooth decay by counteracting acids that eat away at tooth enamel.

Leafy Greens

Leafy greens offer many health benefits for your teeth and entire body, which is why it’s widely recommended to include them in your daily diet. Specifically, darker leafy greens like collard greens, spinach, and kale are packed with vitamins and minerals that boost the strength of your enamel and gums. Many of these are high in folic acid, calcium, and B vitamins too, all of which help boost your oral health. Consider adding them into your lunch and dinner menus as much as possible.

High-Fibre Foods

High-fibre foods are very helpful for reducing the bacteria that accumulates in the mouth. Foods like celery, apples, and carrots are excellent examples of high-fibre foods to snack on throughout the day instead of reaching for sugary alternatives. Whenever possible, try choosing items that you have to chew on. These will help to lift and remove food particles that get stuck deep in the gumline and feed bacteria. 

Teas and Phosphorus Rich Foods

If you’re a fan of tea, there’s good news: it can benefit your teeth as well. However, it’s important to consume unsweetened tea. Green and black teas are best as they help fight plaque buildup. Meanwhile, phosphorus supports the production of bones and helps prevent them from becoming brittle. As such, it’s important to eat foods that are rich in this essential mineral. This can include eggs, fish, tofu, beans, lean meats, fish and nuts. 

Additional Ways to Strengthen your Teeth

Rinse with Mouthwash

Mouthwash is a powerful way to not only freshen your breath, but also minimize plaque. It helps kill bacteria, clears up canker sores, and can even prevent cavities.

Floss Every Day

Flossing isn’t something that should be brushed aside as a weekly or monthly task. It needs to be done every day to remove food particles that your toothbrush can’t reach. Without flossing, food will linger and rot between your gum line and eventually lead to problems like bad breath, tooth decay, and even serious infections.

Visit Your Dentist

Regular checkups with your dentist are crucial for safeguarding your oral health. Many issues can go undetected in the mouth until they develop into something more obvious and serious. This is why it’s important to attend scheduled checkups with your dentist. They will inspect, monitor, clean and address any issues before they can escalate.

In between dental visits, it’s important to do your part to keep your teeth and gums healthy. These foods and care steps can do wonders for your overall dental health, so eat and drink up! For further assistance, get in touch with the Carlingwood Dental team today to book an appointment.

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