How to Relieve Braces Pain

While the overwhelming majority of people are excited about the results that braces or Invisalign will produce (straight teeth become a picture perfect smile, and a lot less headache and hassle from misaligned bites going forward), the truth of the matter is you aren’t going to find too terribly many people that are excited about actually wearing braces or dealing with the inevitable pain that they produce.

Thankfully though, there are a couple of different things you are going to be able to do all on your own that will cut back significantly on the pain that you may be dealing with. Check out all of the tips and tricks to dramatically reduce the amount of pain as you slowly but surely develop a picture perfect smile.

Speak With Your Dentist About Pain Medication

Speak with your dentist about prescription pain medication or over-the-counter pain medications like ibuprofen and acetaminophen to help relieve the pain and discomfort of braces. Brace pain can affect your teeth as they are slowly pulled into new positions, but the pain also affects your gums, jaw, and head. Always use this medication as directed and take an appropriate dosage. Follow-up with your dentist if your current pain management routine is not working.

Enjoy Tasty Frozen Treats

One of the best ways to cut back on the pain that you are dealing with that is stemming from your braces is to “freeze” your mouth, and effectively numb it, by eating frozen treats. Yes, the ice cream that you eat on a regular basis may not be fantastic for your backside – but it’s going to do a number on the pain that you are feeling from your braces and give you at least a little bit of temporary relief. In addition to ice cream, you can enjoy popsicles, frozen yogurt, or even suck on ice cubes to provide some relief. Just beware that ice can damage brackets and wires, so be cautious.

A Saltwater Rinse is a Fantastic Solution in a Pinch

If you are dealing with a significant amount of pain from your new braces but don’t have access to ice cream or pain medication, you’re going to want to mix up a salty glass of water (warm water) and then swish it around your mouth for at least a minute.

The saltwater is going to work to heal sores, cuts, and abrasions in your mouth and against your gums come in you’ll be able to dramatically speed up the overall healing process inside your mouth with nothing more than this warm homemade saltwater.

Use Orthodontic Wax

In addition to the pain of braces on your teeth, if the wires poke into your cheeks and gums it can be quite painful. Apply orthodontic wax to your brackets and wires to provide a cushion and prevent this situation.

Choose Invisalign

Invisalign invisible braces avoid many of the common drawbacks of traditional braces. They have no wires or brackets to cut and scrape, they are practical invisible, and they are comfortable to wear. Speak with your Ottawa dentist about choosing Invisalign.

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