What Do We Use to Fill the Chips in Your Teeth?

After getting hit in the mouth or banging a glass against your tooth, nothing makes you feel as embarrassed as when you feel a rough edge or missing gap in your teeth. But this is actually very common and something that your dentist can fix quickly and painlessly so you can forget it ever happened. If you’ve recently had your tooth filled or are simply curious about what we use to fill the chips in your teeth, here are your answers.

Dental Bonding

If you’ve endured a slight impact to your tooth and have a tiny chip as a result, the first tool that your dentist will likely consider is dental bonding. This is made from composite resin that matches the colour of your teeth. It’s pliable which makes it easy to mould over the surrounding area of the tooth to make it look natural and seamless. Prior to attaching this material, your dentist will first perform some etching on your tooth which roughens up the surface to allow the resin to stick in place securely. Once the resin is applied, the dentist will use an ultraviolet light over the tooth to harden it, which will help it strengthen and last up to 10 years.

This treatment is very common. It’s also quick, painless and easy, which means there’s no anesthetic involved.


To fill the chips in your teeth, sometimes veneers may be necessary if the damage is more severe, or if the tooth is actually broken. Dental veneers, like bonding, are a widespread and effective treatment that can help restore your tooth back to its natural look. The difference here is that porcelain or resin is used in a shell-like form to cover the damaged area of the tooth. These are custom made to match the shape, size, and colour of your natural teeth perfectly and can last up to 20 years if they’re well cared for.


When a chipped tooth ends up causing you pain when eating or drinking, then it could indicate advanced decay and more than a mere chip, at which point a crown may be necessary. Patients are given anesthesia to make them comfortable during this procedure.  Crowns are used to protect damaged teeth from enduring more decay. They also can restore the appearance of the tooth. Most crowns consist of porcelain or gold, both of which are incredibly strong and durable.

Enduring an elbow to the face during sports or any impact that can leave your tooth damaged doesn’t have to instil panic. You can give us a call at Carlingwood Dental and come by for a consultation. Our team will suggest the best method to restore your tooth to get your smile back to looking great again.

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