What Health Problems are Linked to Oral Health?

Taking good care of your mouth is important, not only for good oral health, but for maintaining the welfare of your entire body too. Since it’s the primary entryway into the body, it has a direct impact on your overall health. If you’re wondering specifically, what sort of health problems are linked to oral health, here are some of the top ones below.

Cardiovascular Disease

One of the most prominent areas of the body that is directly affected by our oral health is our cardiovascular system. Numerous studies have linked heart disease with bad oral health and hygiene because bacteria that’s left to fester and accumulate in the mouth can easily enter our bloodstream. This can lead to clogged arteries due to the buildup of plaque. As plaque hardens, it can eventually increase the risk for blockages, heart attacks, and strokes.


Your brain health is also strongly correlated with your oral health. And once again, the level of bacteria is the main culprit here, like it is for so many health issues. Bacteria in the mouth can cause inflammation and infection which can essentially kill off brain cells. Over time, this can lead to memory loss and serious brain conditions such as Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. 

Respiratory Infections

Having poor oral health can provoke respiratory infections. As we breathe in oxygen into our lungs, bacteria from our mouth can be carried into the lungs as well. This can result in severe respiratory conditions such as pneumonia, bronchitis, and COPD.


Neglecting proper dental care can leave you with a greater risk of developing kidney cancer, blood cancers, and pancreatic cancer as well.

Kidney Disease

Patients who develop gum disease generally have a weaker immune system, which can leave the body more vulnerable to other diseases. Kidney disease is yet another example of this which is common among people who have very poor oral hygiene. Kidney failure can also occur and in some cases can be fatal.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Inflammation in one form or another, is essentially what leads to disease in the body. Rheumatoid arthritis is a common result of this. It becomes a much greater risk when gum disease and gingivitis are present. In fact, one study found that people are four times more likely to develop this debilitating disease when experiencing these oral health conditions.

Our team at Carlingwood Dental is here to assist you with any of your oral health concerns. Our team is diligent, professional and friendly. We will always take the time to inspect your mouth, spot any signs of concern and provide the solutions to ensure your health is in good hands. Contact us today!

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