Why Do Kids Have Baby Teeth?

Have you ever wondered what the purpose of baby teeth is? If you end up having adult teeth, why do you have baby teeth initially? Of course, tiny mouths need smaller teeth, but there are also other reasons why baby teeth are so crucial to your child’s overall development. Here we’ll explain the many benefits of primary teeth and why kids have baby teeth before they grow their permanent ones.

Essential to Development

It may seem as though baby teeth are not all that important, but they are actually quite essential to the overall development of your child. In fact, they help the growth of your child’s jaw and preserve the space that is needed for the adult teeth to emerge properly. Because the jaw is not large enough to accommodate the adult teeth at this stage, we need to grow an initial set of teeth until we have enough space for our adult teeth to erupt naturally.

Speech Function

The baby teeth are also important in the development of speech and other muscular functions. They help children speak quickly and clearly, which is vital for social and cognitive development.

Chewing and Nutrition

Baby teeth are also needed for chewing. You may not notice it at first, but the baby molars are wider than adult teeth, which help to distribute the chewing forces that aid in the development of the bones. Properly chewed food is easier to digest, and the process of chewing helps to develop the jaw and muscles.

Proper Tooth Growth

If a tooth is not developed or is lost early, the permanent teeth can drift into the empty spaces, making it difficult for the other adult teeth to grow in place. This results in crooked and crowded teeth and poor development as the child grows.

Although baby teeth are not with us for long, they are more prone to cavities and decay. So it’s incredibly important to start taking care of your child’s teeth as soon as they begin to emerge for optimal oral health. If you have any questions about your children’s teeth or would like to start scheduling appointments, contact us today at Carlingwood Dental. Our helpful and caring team will be glad to help you and your kids get set up on a good oral hygiene routine.

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